Tonight was as good night for us, High Warlord Naj’entus, Supremus, and albeit a bugged and not our most proud moment for a kill if not humorous, Shade of Akama.
Great job everyone.
We grabbed this stuff of the High Warlord – two weapons! Oh so pretty…
[item]The Maelstrom’s Fury[/item]
[item]Halberd of Desolation[/item]
After we chased Supremus around he decided he was tired of running in circles and handed us these shiny things.
[item]Waistwrap of Infinity[/item]
[item]Pauldrons of Abyssal fury[/item]
Shade of Akama… well he seen what we did to the others and I think that was his reasoning behind being all buggy and weird so he just handed us these.
[item]Wristbands of Divine Influence[/item]
[item]Focused Mana Bindings[/item]