Despite overall holiday shortages and occasional lack of tanks, tonight a small group of Vanquish adventurers plunged into Blackrock Descent. After a few attempts on the Omnitron Defense System, a perfect kill came together. Everything thrown at us from fire to poison bombs was swatted away and the mechanical giants fell helplessly as their cores were torn from their golem bodies.
Next, we backtracked to the hot headed worm, Magmaw. The fiery S&M bitch of a wyrm wasn’t getting what she wanted from her draconic toys so we bitch slapped them and gave her a few shots. Sadly things got a little too wild and she succumbed in a way similar to David Carradine after her oxygen was cut off by a large spike to the throat and many beatings to the head. Word is we are currently under investigation by the WOW SVU.