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Archive for the 'General' Category

Jenos’ SS War

OH so however you know him, jenos, fehl, fourplay.. he sucks at photobucket so made me post this. This was toned down from my understanding apparently some of the SS of chat are not suitable for front page news!

We need some kind of update!

Our news updates are lacking..

New content is lacking..

Fehl’s ability to completely satisfy me is lacking..

Our ability to come up with new jokes to make bigmexicano cry is lacking..

now our news update isn’t lacking.. well yeah it still is this is poor substitute for a real update but some of my SS of 2007!


Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays from all of us here at Vanquish to you and yours! Good luck in the new year.

Thank you Ostris for the lovely picture

Open Recruitment

Naxx progression has taken a slight halt as we are looking to fill our roster over the big Xmas break before the big push to finish with Four Horsemen, and then on to Saph and KT. Our goal is to finish before TBC comes out so with the push we are looking for more active and geared players to join our ranks.

Please speak to an officer or one of our Class Leaders all will be more then glad to help you with any questions or direct you to someone who would be able to assist you better. Hope to hear from you soon.

Private applications are accpeted and encouraged. Please e-mail following our application format to admin at vanqish-guild dot com

Recruiting… Inquire within

Recruitment is open yet limited for some classes, please read here for more details or register and read over our application forums Hope to hear from you soon!

Ragnaros the Firelord

Heaven's Judgement, the early years

Heaven’s Judgement, in the early years. Just look at them, so full of fire and spirit, already the kings of the proverbial hill.

My how things have changed since this first Ragnaros kill. (as of this writing, it’s April 2009) God only knows what the loot was, but it’s important to note that not everyone in this raid was even level 60 yet (I think Ellwin was one of them, correct?). Hell, rumor has it that one of those sub-60s dealt the killing blow.  Good job guys on being the best of the best, even back then.